Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#8 Butterfly Bingo.

Hello and welcome to the next challenge.
Please stay and flutter for a while.
Winner's results are in the post below.
Here is the gift that winged it's way to Maria
who became the 100th follower.
A material box full of metallic butterfly toppers.

I hope you enjoy Maria.
There will be some more surprise gifts fluttering  out shortly
to those of you who had an email  requesting your favourite colour.
Without your  playing along each week there would be no challenge.
Thank you ladies.
The 8th challenge is
Butterfly  Bingo
and will be running this time for 4 weeks
Therefore there will be 2 Winners and a Top 6.
Please use the grid below to complete your project.
You may use any line that dissects the Butterflies in the centre.
When uploading please state in your post  which line you have used.

Now to inspire you

Guest Designer Spot.

I have 2 ladies joining me today

Please welcome
winner of #4

Margaret has incorporated 2 lines on her card.
Wet embossing/butterflies/flowers
to create this lovely dreamy colour and a fantastic background .

Please also welcome
Lynn Antill
Winner of #5

Lynn has used the line
Die cuts/butterflies/designer paper
to create this lovely woodland scene with added sentiment tag.

Please do flutter by both their blogs
for a closer look
Thank you ladies.

Here is my card.
Sent to Di
to thank her for all her help and encouragement
without which this challenge blog  would never have left the ground.
I have used the line
Die cuts/butterflies/designer paper.
Full details on my blog.

The winners may select one item from the following
prizes in the pot.
3 sheets of Kanban 'English Reviera' background card.
 selection of 8 Butterfly vintage style postcard pictures
3D Butterfly stickers.

(winner's I have 2 of all of these. )

Please be sure to read the rules on  the tab above
and enter your creations
in Mr linky below.
This challenge will run for 4weeks.

Happy Crafting


Sandra H said...

Good Morning Mrs A.........Congratulations to Maria your 100th follower your gift is gorgeous l'm sure she will absolutely love it also to Mags and Lynne both cards are amazing and so inspiring loving your card to Di too Mrs A so beautiful and a lovely thing to do looking forward to this challenge so l will be back take care and enjoy your day xx

Di said...

Hi Mrs A!

It's like a Chinese laundry here today but I just had to hop by and see what's going on! Beautiful cards by Mags and Lynne and of course I adore your card you made me! It's right here in front of me, on the peg board right in my line of sight!

Just made my card and will flutter by tomorrow with it - back to washing and ironing here now - sigh :(

Hugs, Di xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, another fun challenge! I like your Bingo! Your featured cards are gorgeous! I love butterflies so much - I use them on almost every card! I will be back to play along! Have a great day!

Lynn said...

Your card shows true friendship
Mrs. A. Simply delightful! Lynn x

Mary said...

Hello....I couldn't leave on holiday without fluttering by. I'm impressed with all the new followers. And a talented bunch they are. Happy I need to get busy and get my packing finished!

Kimbo said...

How lucky is Maria - fabulous prize and I love your card for Di. Lovely cards by your talented guests too x

Createology said...

I do so love Butterflies. Congratulations to the winners and all participants. Beautiful Butterfly box of butterflies. Creative Butterfly Bliss...

Vicki Dutcher said...

I think I might have the linky figured out... finally :)-- super fun challenge! :)

Ellie Knol said...

Don't know what I'm doing wrong, but cannot add my link. It gets as far as asking for my name and link of the post, next screen, I added the picture, and then it doesn't react, I only get the choice of done, but that doesn't add the link to the blog. What am I doing wrong?

Ellie Knol said...

don't know what happened, but now suddenly the link is there! Thanks for this challenge, I'm trying to join every time!

Unknown said...

Just to say how much I love my present and that you are so very talented. Your lovely box now has pride of place in my craft room and will be used to store my favourite butterfly die cuts and stickers. And of course the beautiful ones that you sent me are in there, as they are beautiful. Just love your new challenge and can't wait to have a go I may even use my lovely new butterflies on my card. Thank you so much once again Love Mariaxxx

Sandy said...

This was a fun challenge Mrs. A.

Lynn said...

Gorgeous material for the box Mrs. A, and the butterflies are delightful. Lynn x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Just fluttered by to join in Mrs A...

...and oh, the dear old postie gave me a surpirse today!! with a parcel from Uk of curse my brain was totally dead and simply could not remember what it was.. as had not bought anything .. what a great surprise all over again to find the butterfly embossed die .. thank you so very much! it is wonderful, have played with some snippet of black card and iridescent ink pad on it just for fun, and looks really fab..
.. but not time to do more, think it would look great with some tea bag folding in centre..
Shaz in Oz.x

Vicky Hayes said...

It's always a pleasure to flutter by to see what's going on here Mrs A! What beautiful gifts and cards you've been making - and I'm so pleased Di did encourage you to set up the challenge. Vicky x
PS I'm just playing for fun :)

KandA said...

Hi Mrs A, love the cards from Margaret and Lynne and also the super one you made for DI. Really fun challenge this time xx

kbrandy4 said...

Wonderful challenge and gorgeous creations. Congratulations to the winners! x

Carol L said...

Mrs A, your card is just as sweet as can be, and so are the others! Congrats to your winner(s) and thanks for a fun challenge! I'm playing just for fun this time :)

cm said...

Mrs. A...I'm here, with a card. FINALLY!! I've been busy with 'other' cards, family, work..the whole shebang, but your challenge is always on my mind! Today is the day! Thank you soooo much for all the inspiration!! Hugs to you~c

Mary said...

Home from a fantastic holiday. Thought I'd just flutter by one more time. Can you believe May is coming to an end. Where does the time go? Happy Crafting!

brenda said...

Huge apologies but I somehow linked up twice, sorry to be a pain but could your remove one please.

So long since I entered a challenge think I have forgotten how to do it, but have been wanting to join in since you started.

B x

brenda said...

Me again, should have added it's the second entry and link that's incorrect.

B x

Georgie Horn said...

I've added my entry, it may have uploaded twice. whoopsy!

Sarn said...

Hi Mrs A . . . thank you for informing me that I've completed a Bingo line. Have now linked my pop-up box into your challenge.

Playing along just for fun though, exclude me from the prizes.

Congrats to Maria.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

scrappymo! said...

Popped over with my card per your suggestion...but not sure it actually fits the bingo rules! lo

Karen P said...

Another wonderful challenge Mrs A and the inspirations are fabulous Karen xx

Karen said...

This post is just bursting with sweet and beautiful inspiration! Thank you for this lovely challenge. I am delighted to be playing along for the first time. :o)

Hugs and blessings,

Elizabeth said...

Hi Mrs A, just popping in to say what another super challenge this bingo is - had fun deciding which line to follow. Love all the inspirational cards - especially the one you made for the lovely Di :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Cara said...

Sorry - It appears I entered twice #59 & #60. Your site would not allow me to delete one ...
My card uses two lines ...
Pink - Butterfly - dry embossing
Die cut - Butterfly - Design Paper
Thanks for letting me play along!

Susan Sudbury said...

Love this challenge! This is a great place for the butterfly lovers out there! ☺

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
I have eventually got round to my entry into challenge No 8.
Thank goodness this was for 4 weeks.
Love the super box for your 100th follower.
I bet she will be so pleased with it.
Your guest designer creations are super too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Debs Willis said...

HI Mrs A, just found your challenge via Pixie's Snippets Playground :-)
Love the grid idea, and I;ve used the central vertical line of die cuts and designer papers!
debs x

Unknown said...

Happy to be able to play in the Butterfly Bingo challenge. :-) I used two rows without realizing it until link up time lol. Fun challenge Mrs. A! xx

Karen said...

Hello, Mrs. A! I couldn't resist fluttering along and playing again, as I adore butterflies. Thank you for this delightful challenge home! :o)

Hugs and blessings,

Eve said...

Hi there Mrs A.
Beautiful inspirations again - thank you.
Please make sure that you put on your sun glasses to view my entry!!

Bonnie said...

I've been missing this challenge! Having it for 4 weeks is a good thing! What wonderful inspiration you have from you, the guest designers and the gallery! WOW!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello Mrs A

So excited to be able to enter your lovely challenge. The inspiration cards are just superb Hugs Maria

Unknown said...

Hello Mrs A

So excited to be able to enter your lovely challenge. The inspiration cards are just superb Hugs Maria

Darnell said...

I'm squeaking in again and just playing for fun! Your work and that of your designers is spectacular!! You're in my thoughts, Mrs. A. Hugs, Darnell