Wednesday, September 07, 2016

#62 Butterflies + L is for Letters and/or Lavender

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #61 are in the post below.
Please make sure you check as it could be you.
Unclaimed prizes go back into the pot and there have been quite a few!

Thankyou all so much for playing along. 

We are  already more than half way through
the new set of letters and themes.
I've introduced  a new mix into the challenge too!!

Each challenge will be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies  with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
Along with this letter will be a corresponding  colour.

You may choose to use just the letter /theme + butterfly
or use the colour + butterfly.
If you make your project 
using both the letter and the colour + butterfly
you will be eligible for going into a second draw to win 
an additional prize.
So that's 2 chances to win  on each challenge.  

 My Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.

I'm  delighted to introduce you to my next Guest Designer

Please Welcome  
(Winner #56)

My name is Doris and I live with my wonderful man – he’s my blog-administrator and we create together sometimes :-) - and our cat, named Sammy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. I’m a creative craftsmen since 2007 and I love to create cards, no matter what style and with what technique. But it does not always have to be on paper, as I like to try new things and I am open to new ideas. When I use some stamps I will colour them with aquarellcolours. Or I use 3D - projects for my cards.  And this I like to show you on my blog ... which I lead since 2014.

Doris has chosen 

#62  Butterflies + L is for Letters
with the additional option of  L is for the colour Lavender.

So I would like to letters portrayed as either 
a sentiment using letters of the alphabet
or a  letter sent in the post  on your project
along with your Butterfly/ies of course.

Here is Doris's card 

Doris has chosen to use 
Letters of the alphabet on her sentiment. 

Please pop over to Doris's Blog  to see the full details
of her lovely Lavender fairy .
(Beautifully  coloured .)
Thank you for being my Guest Designer
for #62

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

Here is my inspiration for you.

On these two cards I have gone with 
using letter sent/received by post.

Please pop over to  My Blog for more detailed info.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

(a) Pink selection


(b)  Blue selection 


$10 gift certificate from

Raspberry Road.

The additional prize available if
using both  Letters   and the colour Lavender
+your butterfly

Joy Flowers corner stamp

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Welcome to Doris with her beautiful card, love the image so pretty coloured, the butterflies and the gorgous papers!
Your cards look adorable and so sweet, Mrs. A!

Sandra H said...

Warm welcome to Doris ....your so creative your card is adorable l like your image and being surrounded with all of those butterflies too looks amazing and Mrs A your cards are adorable too as always your so creative take care x

KT Fit Kitty said...

Your last theme had me stumped but this one looks doable! Your and Doris's cards are lovely! Hope to get on the ball and play along this time!

Tina Z. said...

you prepared great cards, I love them all.

Karenladd said...

I haven't had much time to make cards lately but this challenge was right up my alley with the color lavender! Purple and lavender are not colors I use often so I try to challenge myself every so often and give it a try!

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
congrats to Doris on her GD spot.
Her card is very lovely.
Yours are wonderful also .
Thank you for all your hard work involved with another super challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Karen P said...

Congrats Doris on your GD spot and such a gorgeous card to inspire us too.
Mrs A apologies for not being able to play along for such a long time. It feels good that I made time to come back and play with such a fun challenge theme too Karen x

Di said...

Super cards by you and Doris Mrs A!

I almost lost the will to live making my entry for this week!


Di xx

Jolanda's Blog said...

Lovely cards you made!!
Hugs Jolanda

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Aurora would enter in the challenge with her card :)

Sandy said...

I went with the straightforward color challenge. I'll be checking out the gallery to see how the more clever people worked in the letter part.

ellyscard creatief said...

Lovely cards, thanks for the challenge.

Kimbo said...

Lovely theme and beautiful cards. Didn't think I'd get a chance to enter this time but here it is. And just playing for fun again x

Cara said...

Finally made it over here! Great challenge theme and wonderful inspiration. Cara x

mamapez5 said...

Your cards are very pretty this week, as is Doris' one. I love using lavender I my cards. It is good to get back to being creative. I must try to make more now the cooler weather is here.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

A great challenge Mrs A. I have fluttered by first time in ages...I actually made two cards, thanks for inspiring us! and no thanks to your wodnerful prizes .. gotta use more of what I have.
love and God bless dear friend,
Shaz in oz.x

Barb said...

Welcome Doris on your Guest Design spot. Great inspiration from both Doris and Mrs A for the challenge. Barbxx