Wednesday, September 24, 2014

#15 Butterfly in Autumn Colours.

Hello and a warm welcome to the next challenge.
So nice to see more new faces playing along.
Please stay and flutter for a while.
Winners results for #14 are in the post below.
The new challenge for #15 is
Make your Butterfly in Autumn colours.
Post script.
Di has just queried she had understood the requirements
so to clarify
I meant to put butterfly/'s on your project
so just 1 or more on your project is fine
I have 3 on mine below.
Also the butterflies can be all one colour
just so long as you pick from the range of autumn colours
that abound out in nature at this time of year.
Hugs ValeryAnne.
There will be one winner chosen
and a top 3 selected.
You are free to make any project you like.
Please make your butterfly in the Colours of Autumn.
My Guest Designer today is
Joint Winner of #12.
Mariangela has made this delightful
Exploding box.
Closed up.

Fully opened.

Close up of the gorgeous little Wishing well.
Please stop by Mariangela's blog.
You are in for a real treat.
I can't wait to see how this was made.!
Thankyou Mariangela for being my Guest Designer.
Here is my inspiration for you.

I have chosen this time to up cycle an old picture frame.
Full details can be found on my blog.
The winner may select 1 item from the following
prizes in the pot.
Carol from #13 kindly donated her prize  back.
rubber stamp approx. 3" x 3"

Sheet of fabric paper.

Oriental butterfly in leaves.

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in
Mr linky below.

Happy crafting.
See you soon.



Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

wonderful inspiration on this challenge as always, Mrs A.
I love both pieces of DT work, well done, Shaz in Oz.x

KandA said...

I've actually managed to make a card this time and I'm first off the grid too. Just playing for fun xx

lovecraftingpaper said...

Hello, Valery,
thank you for this opportunity! I really enjoyed making the box!
I'm looking forward to seeing all the creative ideas of the other crafters!

Mariangela ^___^

Sandra H said...

So beautiful is your creation Mrs A and what a gorgeous creation by Mariangela both are so inspiring creations x

Karen P said...

Quite simply gorgeous inspirations Mrs A from both of you!
I promise to try harder to enter more this fortnight - I have some new butterfly stamps I want to get inky with Karen xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Fun challenge! I haven't played here for a bit but I'm back with a fall butterfly. Thank you - your DT samples are lovely!

Di said...

Super DT makes Mrs A! Now, maybe I read your challenge wrong 'cos there's three butterflies on my card. Ooooooopsie :-)


Di xx

Kathy said...

The exploding box and the up cycled frame are both awesome items. Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm new to your challenge and I thank Di for mentioning your challenge. Thank you.

Jean said...

I Love both of the beautiful DT projects this time. thank you for this lovely challenge.
Jean x

Pat said...

I love what you have done with this frame and the CB Harebell Butterfly stamp is lovely. I love the added sunflowers and butterfly, just perfect. Hopefully will get to play this time. I have been away, and it has taken two weeks to really get myself back in to the swing of things, plus your last challenge required bugs and I didn't have anything suitable. Thanks for your lovely comment. x

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
super creations made by yourself and your guest designer.
That box is amazing, as is your frame.
Just managed to make my entry into this fortnights challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Elizabeth said...

Fabulous DT makes, especially your frame. Have submitted my tag as you suggested though I'm not sure my colours are the usual associated with autumn. Elizabeth xx