Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#45 Butterflies + X is for Xanthine.

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #44  are in the post below

Each challenge will  be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies but with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
The twist is that my Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.

They will also be commenting on your entries. 

Well the dreaded letter X has finally arrived 

#45 Butterflies + X is for Xanthine.

but before this has you all  fleeing for the hills
let me explain!!!

Xanthine =  The yellow colouring matter found in certain plants as in Yellow Madder.
(Madder is from the Genus Rubia and has small yellow flowers, whorled leaves and a reddish brown root.)
So I would like to see Yellow Butterfly/s  and  also a splash of Yellow on your project somewhere.  Where and how you put the yellow is entirely up to you.  (i.e ribbon, gems, paper  etc.)
See told you it was  Simples!!

I'm  delighted to introduce you  to my next Guest Designer

Please Welcome

(winner of  #40)

I'm Amanda.
I live in Derbyshire with my fiancé Andrew,  3 dogs, 5 cats and 5 chickens. I work part time in food retail, so I am at home quite a lot - looking after all the animals!
I love to craft - cards, digital projects, atc's, altered frames, hand embroidery, pom-pomming. If I'm not crafting I'm reading (proper books, not one of those e-reader thingymebobs) or baking.
Kind of an old fashioned gal, that's me.
I have a blog where I post my makes and other bits & bobs:
Looking forward to seeing all your takes on the letter X.
Amanda xx

I can't wait any longer to show what 
Amanda brought along  with her.
Well actually she didn't as she has sent it to me!!

Amanda made this Journal Book especially for me.
 It arrived on Christmas Eve and has to be just  about 
the best unexpected Christmas Present I have ever received.
Thankyou so much Amanda Xxxxxx

I love every single  page.
These are just a few to share with you.

The front cover.

There are several pages with tags.

Old postcards. This one is dated  01/10/1926
Sent to Freda from Gladys.
(I wonder who they were!)

Lots of the pages had punched out butterflies.

The very last page that says
Hand Crafted with Love.
It certainly was.

Please pop over to Amanda's blog to see more detailing.

Thank you  for being my Guest Designer
for #45.

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

2 quick pictures of cards from me
for inspiration.

Criss Cross Fold Card.

Z fold Card.

You can read more details and see other 
photos on my blog post here.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

A)  Blue  selection 

(b)  Red selection 

$10 gift certificate from

D A I S I E company

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.

Winners #44

Hello one and all.
Time to announce the winners of 
my month long Fairy challenge.

22 players fluttered by and what gorgeous
fairies you brought along to play.
Thankyou for taking time out
from your busy Christmas schedules to enter.

I really enjoyed all the different projects
and couldn't wittle it down to just a Top 3
so here is my T4!!

In numerical order they are

(1) Lia
(A gorgeous LOTV image used with 
beautiful embroidered leaves in the design).

(12) Bernadette
(Brought along this lovely New Baby box
that she created with such a cute baby fairy
nestling in amongst all the embellishments).

(19) Amanda
(Tried her hand at a spot of book binding 
and created this wonderful fairy house 
for her wee fairy fae to live in)

(21) Tricia 
(This is Hand cut 3d decoupage taken 
to another level. Just checkout that intricate cutting).

Congratulations Ladies please help yourselves to the top
3 badge
from the side bar. 

The 2  Winners picked by Random Org

(20) Alison C. 

I already had Alison earmarked as 
a Top3 contender so pleased that 
Mr Org agreed with me!

 (8) Margaret.
I'm really pleased that Mr Org
picked Margaret as one of the Winners
as she plays along in every challenge.
(Everything come to those that wait!)

Please send me your details Alison  and Margaret to the email address

in the side bar letting me know  which voucher you would like to receive
Shown in # 44.
Please also take your Winners Badge from the side bar.

Hope to see you all back in # 45.
in which the Butterflies are back.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

#44 All kinds Of Fairies

Hello and welcome back 
to a very Special Challenge.
Please stop and flutter for a while.

Winners results for #43 are in the post below.

The butterflies are all now in the chrysalis stage 
and will be back in the New Year
ready to spread their wings.

In The meantime 
for the whole of December 
(closes 29th )
The Fairies have come along to play.

The New challenge for #44 is
All kinds of Fairies.

You can make Christmas/Non Christmas items
just so long as I can see a fairy/ies with wings 
 on your project.

There will be two winners chosen
and a Top 3 selected.

Here is my inspiration for you.

My 1st creation is a wall Hanging.
Using  a digi image by 
Patties Creations called
'Moon Fairy Snow Globe.

My 2nd is a scenic Spring Card
created with various 
Lavinia Stamps.

Please stop by my Blog for full details
on these 2 projects.

Another card to show as inspiration for you.
You can find the details for this card

The 2 winners may choose
a $10 Gift Certificate each
from one of  the following companies.

Robyn's Fetish

Nitwit Collections

The Art Of Crafts

Doodle Pantry

Aspire Crafts

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab
and enter your Creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting.
See you soon.

Winners #43.

Two new players fluttered in this time .
Welcome to my Butterfly World.
Also new followers too.
Thankyou for settling here for a while
 and hope to see you play along.

It was interesting to see what you
all came up with as your quadruple element.
Again it was really hard to pick a Top 3.

In numerical order
they are

(13) Cherio Urgia 
With this stunning creation using Shimmering yarn.
Not only were there 4 butteflies  but also 4 white pearls,
4 red gems and a repeat pattern of 4 scrolls in the design . 

(16) CreaMaria
With these butterflies and snowflakes in shades of blue.
4 different design papers used along with 4 snowflakes.

(26) Flutterbies and Heffalumps
With a glorious box full  of different  butterflies.
4 beautifully decorated ones in pinks and purples.

Congratulations Ladies please help yourselves to the top
3 badge
from the side bar. 
also please email me  to the address in my side bar
to receive  a $10 gift certificate  from 
D.A.I.S.I.E. company.

The Winner picked by Random Org

(11) Linda T

It is Linda's first time playing with us
and her card  has  a cute pink elephant with 
fluttering butterflies sporting 4 grey pearls 

Please send me your details Linda to the email address
in the side bar letting me know the prize you have selected 
Shown in # 43.
Please also take your Winners Badge from the side bar.

Hope to see you all back in # 44.
which will be a Special Edition 
for December.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

#43 Butterflies + Q is for Quadruple

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #42  are in the post below

Each challenge will  be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies but with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
The twist is that my Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.

They will also be commenting on your entries. 

There are just 2 letters left for my Guest Designers 
to choose from for this current run. 

Please give a warm welcome to my next Guest Designer.
Tina Z.  ( winner of #39)

Hi. I am Tina and I live in Slovenia, a country well known for its stunning nature. I have been married to my high school sweetheart and we have a 5 year old daughter and two sons (4 and 1,5 year old). I started card making in 2010 when my husband bought me a green Cuttlebug J.  I didn't know a hobby could be so addictive … So, in April this year I created my blog to share my love of crafting and to enter challenges, which inspire my  crafting.
Both decisions – to start crafting and to start blogging  - are among the best in my life, it is so inspiring. I don’t have any specific ‘crafter style’,  I just love playing with papers and trying different styles and techniques, e.g. CAS, vintage, bokeh, smooshing, water coloring … The name incorporates my passion for environment (»tree«) and card making (»bug« is short for my green Cuttlebug)
I am so happy to be a Guest Designer at Butterfly challenge – butterfly dies were among the first dies I bought. Thank you Mrs A.!

Have a great day and I look forward to seeing your Butterfly + Quadruple creations!

has chosen the following letter for you. 

#43 Butterflies + Q is for Quadruple.

Quadruple = 4 of something.
So I would like to see 4 of the same item on your project. It can be anything you like.
Here are just a few suggestions for you.
 4 butterflies/4 design papers/4 buttons/4 flowers/4 gems etc.
The choice is yours but you must include at least
one Butterfly.

Tina has been been mega busy and made 2 cards for you.

Her 1st one is this elegant filigree style
with four butterflies on the front.

With an extra surprise inside.

Tina's chocie for her 2nd card
was to use Pearls.

+ 4 butterflies inside her card.

These are both lovely examples.
Please pop over to Tina's
own blog to see further details of them.

Thank you Tina  for being my Guest Designer
for #43.

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

Here is my  Inspiration for you.

My choice is 4 Gems with my butterfly paper.

You can find more details Here on my blog.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

A)  Blue  selection 

(b) Brown/gold selection 

$10 gift certificate from

D A I S I E company

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.

Winners #42

Well girls what can I possibly say other than 
I'm speechless at the lovely cards you have
produced with this zig zag theme. 
You have really done me proud.
Thankyou all.

I new player fluttered in this time.
Welcome to my Butterfly World. 

Here are my Top 3  makes for this challenge.
In numerical order

(23) Veerle
I looked at this card for a long time
Then I finally got it!!! 
Check out the lines zig zagging across themselves. 
Brilliant take on the theme. 

(27)  Samantha Wade
This card takes Vintage to a whole new meaning
all set on a zig zag base. 
(Samantha, also see below).

(28) Amanda.
Using pinking shears to create her design.

Congratulations Ladies please help yourselves to the top 
3 badge
from the side bar.

It gives me great pleasure to announce
the Winner for this challenge
Picked by Random org
(I'm working from my iPad so can't show)
 as she has played along week after week
and always gives encouragement to others.     
My Winner for # 42 is:
(20) Jenny Lawrence 
A black and white master piece. 

Congratulations Jenny.
Please send  your details to the email address
In the side bar letting me know the prize
You have selected shown in # 42.
Please also take your winners badge from the side bar. 

Now there are 2 Wow  prizes this time for 
cards that had me looking twice .
(26)  Pat
Poppies on a ziz zag embossed base. 

(27) Samantha Wade
Vintage to perfection.

Pat and Samantha please email me your details
to the address in my side bar
and  a Raspberry Road Gift  certificate
will be winging it's way to you. 

Hope to see you back in #43
Hugs Mrs A. 

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

#42 Butterflies + Z is for Zig Zags

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #41  are in the post below

Each challenge will  be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies but with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
The twist is that my Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.

They will also be commenting on your entries. 

Down to the last 3 letters now and you'll be 
surprised to know that X has been taken
but you will have to wait until the end of December
to find out the challenge.
And no it isn't Xmas or Xxxxx for Kisses
or even X marks the spot. 
My Guest Designer #45  is busy preparing her project 
but is sworn to secrecy 
What can it possibly be!!!!!
I'm a tease aren't I.

Anyway I'm way ahead of myself so back to 

Please give a warm welcome to my next Guest Designer.
 Claudia   (winner of #38)

I'm Claudia and I turned just 40 (in July). I'm living in Belgium. I'm married for the past 11 years with Wim and we have 2 children. Jarno is our son (13) and Joran, our daughter is 9. I've been making cards for 3 years now. At first I was making a lot of 3D cards, then I found out about copics, gorgeous digis and crafting and never stopped doing it since then. I work part time  as an administrative assistant. I'm trilled to be part of the DT team at Creatalicious. Hugs xxx  

has chosen the following letter for you. 

#42 Butterflies + Z is for Zig zags.


So any paper design which has zig zags on it or  maybe ric rac brad or just draw the lines on your card + your Butterflies of course.

Here is Claudia's  project for you.

Claudia has chosen to make this hidden pocket tag card
using zig zag paper for the tag holder.

Here you can see the tag removed showing more of the design.

Please pop over to Claudia's blog
to see how her card was made.

Thank you Claudia for being my Guest Designer
for #42.

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

Here is my  Inspiration for you.

You can find more details Here on my blog.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

A)  Red  selection 

(b) Pink selection 

$10 gift certificate from

Raspberry Road Designs

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.

Winners #41

Three new players fluttered in this time .
Welcome to my Butterfly World.
Also new followers too.
Thankyou for settling here for a while
 and hope to see you play along.

N is for Numbers certainly put the cat 
amongst the pigeons but those of you 
who played along came up with some 
ingenious ideas.

It was really, really hard to choose just 3 top makes
so I didn't. I chose 5 instead!!

Here are my top 5 makes for this challenge.

In numerical order

(3) nnaloraC
With this pretty 80th Birthdy card
using Nitwit papers. 

(12) Alison C
With this stunningly embossed  purple card 
again for an 80th Birthday.

(16) Samantha Wade
With this Shabby chic card.
Check out those numbers!!

(17) Donna
With this Weathered clock card
showing Roman numerals.

(24) Jenny Lawrence 
Check out Jenny's No1. shaped card
which she raced in with,  almost at the last minute.

Congratulations Ladies please help yourselves to the top
3 badge
from the side bar. 

The Winner picked by Random Org

(18) Lia B 
It is Lia's first time playing with us
and her card is a stunning twisted Easel card
for a 65th Birthday. 

Please send me your details Lia to the email address
in the side bar letting me know the prize you have selected 
Shown in # 41.
Please also take you Winners Badge from the side bar.

Hope to see you all back in # 42.
Not many letters left to go now. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

#41 Butterflies + N is for Numbers

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #40  are in the post below

Each challenge will  be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies but with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
The twist is that my Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.

They will also be commenting on your entries. 

Down to the last 4 letters now and that 
elusive X is still there.
What can it be!

Please give a warm welcome to my next Guest Designer.
 Elena F.   (winner of #37)

Hello Everyone! I´m Elena F , I´m 41 and I live in the Basque Country with hubby, our 2 kids and a baby.
I work full time in the only newspaper that is published entirely in Euskera (our oldest than Latin official language) but now I´m happily to have a break.
Since I can remember, I spent time doing all kind of crafts and colouring. I also sew, knit and crochet when I can.
I think what I enjoy making the most is doing handmade gifts. Craft (specially scrapbooking) is my hobby and I love copic colouring.
I started blogging in January 2013 and you can find my work at:
(SCRAP-lanak GANBARAN; that means scrap works in my storage room).
Thank you for having me as a Guest Designer!. Thanks to all the readers / followers too for being here. Elena F.  

Elena has chosen the following letter for you. 

#41 Butterflies + N is for Numbers.

So I would like to see a number or numbers on your project.
The number could be to celebrate a Birthday (age) or an Anniversary for example.
You can interpret any way you wish and add any embellishments + your butterfly of course.

Here is Elena's  project for you.

Elena has chosen to make this gorgeous tag with a
vellum pocket and used the number 10.
Please pop along to Elena's blog
to see the techniques that were used.

Thank you Elena  for being my Guest Designer
for #41.

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

Here is my  Inspiration for you.

I'm back with my love /hate relationship 
with acetate for this 18th Birthday card.
You can find the link here to my blog
giving full details.
Elf Candy is still also running until 31st Oct.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

A)  Pink  selection 

(b) Gold/Brown selection 

$10 gift certificate from
Doodle Pantry

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.