Wednesday, July 30, 2014

#12 Summertime Butterflies.

Hello and a warm welcome to the next challenge.
Please stay and flutter for a while.
Winners results for #11 are in the post below.
Regrettably the winner of #10
did not come forward so the selection of  prizes
have all been returned to the pot for another time.  
The 12th challenge is 
Summertime Butterflies
and will be running this time for 4 weeks
to cover the  long summer holiday period.
There will be 2 Winners chosen
And a top 6 selected.
You are free to make any project you like
using summery colours and/or a summer theme
+ your butterfly
Now to inspire you .
Guest Designer Spot.
Please welcome

Winner of #9.
A perfect Summers Day.

Please do flutter by Cara's blog
for a closer look
Thank you Cara  your card is gorgeous.

Here is my inspiration for you.

A journal book I made for my daughter.
You can find the original post for this  here.

A card made using ' Brusho' water colour paints.
You can read all the details are on my  main blog here.

The winners may select one item
 from the following prizes in the pot.
2 sheets of Kanban  Butterflly Borders background card.


2 sheets of Gold Butterfly Peel Offs


1 of the Brass stencils shown above.
(I have 2 but different designs)
Please be sure to read the rules on the tab
above and enter your creations
in Mr Linky below.
Happy Crafting



New Creations said...

I love your work with different using of butterflies!!! love the journal notebook cover and the second one has a colourful watery effect and highlighted the butterfly image beautifully!!!

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
congrats to the winner of the last challenge, and also congrats to your top 3 picks.
They were all very fab and I'm sure you did have trouble choosing the top 3.
Great creations to inspire us for this current challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Em Louise Fairley said...

congrats to the winner and top 3. I'm sorry I didn't get chance to take part in the last challenge, I will definitely enter this one though :)

Em x
Creative Em

Sandra H said...

Many congratulations to your winner and top 3 Mrs A another great challenge and fabulous creations from yourself and Guest Dt Cara xx

Cara said...

Mrs A - Thank you again for the opportunity to be your Guest DT this week! I enjoyed making my card for your challenge and I am looking to more fun times here with you and your butterflies! ((Hugs)) Cara

Karen P said...

Me need them paints! But me not spend money, boo!
Fabulous inspirations and another fab and fun challenge thank you very much Mrs A xx

Jane Willis said...

Gorgeous inspiration this week! (as always, of course)

Darnell said...

Hi Mrs. A! Thank you for another challenge! Your cards are sensational!! I'm just playing for fun, you know, coz that's what it is: FUN!! Hugs, Darnell

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
I'm back with a 2nd entry to your delightful challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

scrappymo! said...

Got my inky backgrounds done and my dies run through them...Off home tomorrow, so will make up my cards this week...summery butterflies are fun to make!

Toni said...

So fun to share our love of butterflies. Really terrific DT designs this round!!

MaryH said...

Valerie, Each card is so pretty. Your little butterfly girl is so sweet and puts me in mind of the quilt pattern, Sunbonnet Sue. Love the pastels & of course the flittering butterflies. Once again, you've used a new product with the Brusho W/C, so will have to find out what that is. Your card is beautiful, and I like all those splatters & splotches that look like a bright summer's English garden (at least what I imagine an English garden to look like). It's lovely. TFS & Hugs

Elizabeth said...

Hi Mrs A, finally got around to linking my Fireweed and Butterflies card. I really thought the colours suggested Autumn but on a drive out on Monday I noticed that the hedgerows were just teeming with Fireweed ... and it's still summer :) Many thanks for inviting me to link it here. Elizabeth xx

Elizabeth said...

Me again, Mrs A. My butterfly cards are a bit like buses, you wait ages for them and then along come several one after the other :) Elizabeth xx

Carol L said...

Your journal is super cute as well as the Brusho Watercolor card! Well done on both, and congrats to your winners too! I'm playing just for fun so there's no need to add my name to the prize draw!

Cathy said...

Gorgeous projects Mrs A. will have to check out that brusho technique,I'm just playing for fun :) Cathy x

Debs Willis said...

Hi mrs A, loving the challenge, playing for fun only so no than you to the prize
Debs x

Irene said...

Hello Mrs A

Beautiful projcts especially the brusho technique.

Thank you for letting me enter your challange, I was not too sure if my card fit the subject.


Janis said...

Brand-new to this site!! LOVE what I am seeing. Such gorgeous cards from everyone!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Brenda in IN said...

Everyone loves butterflies and seeing how you all use them is inspiring.

Pumpy said...

Sorry, I made a mistake with the card, folded it the wrong way round.
then you will see first hand. xxx

Bonnie said...

I finally got to enter a card in this beautiful butterfly gallery! Don't need a prize, just wanted to share!

Di said...

Super makes again here!

I used Brushos too :) Just playing for fun Mrs A.

Hugs, Di xx

scrappymo! said...

Finally made it over with my first card. Have two more in the works...just have to write the posts.

Annie said...

Happy Summertime - sorry not been around for a while but I've been ill. Here's my entry for your summer challenge. Love your samples
Ann xxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Mrs A, I've just added yet another of my Gelli print cards - I've lost count so I hope I haven't broken a rule by going over my limit for the challenge. Elizabeth xx

Mary said...

Hello, I'm sorry I've been a bit absent of late. Seems life is moving too fast for me. Not to mention, housework has finally raised it's ugly head and I decided to tackle my carpeting. Spent 2 days shampooing. I may just hire it done next year....I'm getting too lazy! Well, off to tackle another project...well, maybe I should just visit the other summer butterflies. Housework will wait. Summer is flying by! Have a wonderful week!

scrappymo! said...

Finally back with another card.
I am learning about inks...I have lots too learn!

Vicky Hayes said...

Amazing creations Mrs A! The journal is so sweet with the catching butterflies motif and the brusho card is gorgeously colourful. Vicky x
(I'm playing along for fun again this week so no need to enter me into the draw.)