Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#11 Spots and Stripes.

Hello and  a warm welcome to the next challenge.
Please stay and flutter for a while.
Winners results are in the post below.
The past 2 challenges have been quite hard ones
so here is a nice easy one for you all.
The 11th challenge is
Spots and  Stripes + your butterfly.
You are free to make any project you like
just so long as I can see Spots and Stripes before my eyes
and of course your trusty Butterfly.
Now to inspire you .
Guest Designer Spot.
I have another 2 Ladies joining me today.
Please welcome
Diane H.
Winner of #8
I love how Diane has portrayed the spot element of the challenge.
A lovely sunshine coloured card.

Please also welcome

Kate P.
Winner of #8

Kate has chosen to go with shades of blue
and again I love the spots incorporated within the butterflies.
Please do flutter by both their blogs
for a closer look as their projects are just gorgeous.

Thank you Ladies.
Here is my inspiration for you.

A Zig Zag Gatefold  card in pinks and blues.
Full details of this can be found on my blog.
The winner may select one item
 from the following prizes in the pot.
Butterfly patterned Vellum sheets.

Ripple Butterfly decorations.

Pkt. of rub on butterfly  transfers.
Please be sure to read the rules on the tab
above and enter your creations
in Mr Linky below.

Happy Crafting


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Mrs A another great challenge. . Great DT work all around.
Am sorry did jot enter last one as had great idea for it but no time. Hopefully this fortnight it may come around :)
Shaz in Oz x

Di said...

Great theme Mrs A (only 'cos I immediately thought of some designer papers I have here!) - and great makes by you and your lovely guests!

I shall return!!

Hugs, Di xx

Sandra H said...

Hi Mrs A...Another great challenge and gorgeous creations from yourself Diane H and Katie P lots of inspring to take from them xx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Unfortunately I didn't get to contribute to the last challenge, but I hope to this time, although it will have to be in the second week because I'm having my studio renovated.

Em x
Creative Em

MaryH said...

Awesome gate fold. I'm always blown away by the nifty folds you come up with and love the papers you've selected for this pretty design. A terrific card with the stripes, vintage pictures and all the wonderful trims. Saw this at the Playground and zipped by for a closer look. TFS & Hugs too

Cazro said...

I have tried to add my picdture of my entry but it says it's too large, not being computer literate I have no idea how to make it smaller, I'll hve to learn in the meanwhile I would appreciate you visiting my entry at
Many thanks , Caz

Cazro said...

Thanks Mrs. A your help and comments are appreciated. Caz

Holly said...

Great inspiration here and a fun challenge!

Brenda in IN said...

Wow, this is so intricate and gorgeous. Thank you for your help and answer so quickly. I'm entering my card and happy I could do this. So many great entries and beautiful work. It amazes me how different each person applies the instructions.

Sandra H said...

Hi Mrs A Oh Mr Blogger has been causing me problems this morning so l have to delete the 1st entry and add a 2nd one can you please take the 1st one off many thanks xx

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
fab creations to inspire us.
I thought I wasn't going to be able to join in this one as I am a bit bogged down with family Birthdays, Anniversaries, and wedding ones too, but an idea popped into my head and I just had to fit it in.
Thank you for all your hard work in fab challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Eve said...

Hello Mrs A,
fabulous inspiration pieces yet again.

I'm just fluttering by for fun this week - thank you!!

Hope that you haven't melted in the heat - I'm off to stick my head in the fridge!! xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Phew made it Mrs A.. and really happy with card now.. :D off to the playground, Shaz in oz.x

Mary said...

I love this challenge. I was worried that I'd not be able to get one made. I tied up some loose ends today and I was happy to be able to finish a card. Love your makes, as always. Have a most wonderful weekend....

Karen P said...

Another fab challenge Mrs A and big apologies for not getting here earlier! Have a lovely week Karen x

ElizabethR said...

Sorry I'm late xxx