Wednesday, September 10, 2014

#14 Ugly Bug Ball.

Hello and a warm welcome
 to the next challenge.
I’m so pleased to see new faces playing along 
and several of you entering more than once.
Please stay and flutter for a while.
Winners results for #13 are in the post below.
The next challenge is a tribute to my Mum.
One of my childhood memories is of Sunday afternoons. Once the dishes were washed up from lunch Mum would settle down in the lounge and play her records (no such thing as Cd's or Cassettes in those days).  One of her favourite artists was 'Burl Ives' and I used to sing along to all of the songs. We both loved one in particular called  'The Ugly Bug Ball'. This song actually featured in a film with 'Hayley Mills' along with Burl Ives called Summer Magic (1963) and had an animation section of the film that involved all the bugs, bees, butterflies  and flying insects attending the  Annual Ball.  
I couldn't find a current copy of that song so we had ' Waltzing Matilda' (another song that Burl  sang on one of the records)  played at the end of her funeral.
The 14th challenge is 

Anyway to cut a long story short I would like
to see any type of insect on  your project.
The more the merrier but one will suffice.
As long as it has Wings it can attend The Ball.

I'm joined this time by 2 Guest Designers.
Please welcome
Winner of #11. 
Sherryn has made this really fun door hanger.

Please do flutter by Sherryn's  blog
for a closer look
Thank you Sherryn  I love your take on  the theme.
Please also welcome
Shaz in Oz
who was a joint Winner of #12

Shaz made these two quite different cards.

Aren't they the cutest!
Please stop by Shaz's blog
as I really haven't done these cards justice  here.

This is my inspiration for you.

I have been wanting to make one of these
3D Pop-Up box cards ever since they 
arrived on the scene but never had the opportunity
until now.

You can read all the details on my  main blog here.

Shaz in Oz  even found  a video  clip of the film for me.
Blogging friends are just the best!!

For you Mum with  xxxx

The winner may select one item
 from the following prizes in the pot.
Metal Embellishments.

Kanban clear Acrylic stamp set.
K &  Company Pillow Stickers.
Please be sure to read the rules on the tab
above and enter your creations
in Mr Linky below.
Happy Crafting


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo again Mrs A... wonderful door hanger by Sherryn, and love your pop up box card, clever+++ ... certainly lots of bugs there to go to the ball, great prizes too!!
hugs , Shaz in oz.x

Unknown said...

Aww what a lovely story about your mother! So sorry to hear about your loss and hope you are coping ok! Keep remembering the good times :-)
Great challenge dedicated to her! So lovely I'll have to see what buggies I can find :-)
Lucy x

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by Sherryn and Shaz and I love your Pop up Box card

Sandra H said...

Hi Mrs A another fab challenge and gorgeous cards from your Dt's l just love your pop up box card too so inspiring from you all xx

Lula said...

I love the idea of dedicate the challenge to your Mother.
I am sure she is your guardian angel now, watching you all the time.

Di said...

Oh Mrs A, such a lovely post. Esp, about your lovely Mum, I remember the Ugly Bug Ball song too - 'come on let's crawl, to the ugly bug ball'. Anyhows, here's my offering for this week.

'Ere, when I just emailed I forgot to say that in the 'lower bird bath' (aka a painters tray so that little birdies can splash about safely) there woz wot looked like an alligator wiv his eyes just above de water lookin' at us earlier! 'Tis a frog (or maybe toad) - perfectly at home doin' lengths of the tray to keep fit!! Croak, croak!

Love and hugs

Little Round Me xx

Holly said...

Great challenge theme and beautiful projects by the DT.

New Creations said...

Wonderful Pop up box and lovely bug song!!! Great idea of dedicate to your mother.

Sandy said...

Your popup box is gorgeous Mrs. A.
I was a big Hayley Mills fan when I was little, but I think this movie was before my time ... I just don't remember it at all. It was fun to see it.

KT Fit Kitty said...

What fun theme! Made me smile! I love your pop-up box card - they really make a splash, don't they! The other DT samples are cute too! Thanks for another fun challenge! Have a great day!

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
just popping my entry into the No 14 challenge.
Really beautiful creations from you and your guest designers.
I did comment on your superb box on your own blog so I won't comment this time.
Now we have a lady that is over eighty in our little singing group, and she sang the Ugly Bug Ball today, and sings it quite often when we go out to entertain.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Unknown said...

Oh my, how I loved to see Jiminy Cricket again. I remember this Disney movie and it brought back many happy memories. I am pleased you honored your mother. Carole

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

This is a lovely tribute to your Mum. I know she is smiling on you. xx

Sherry said...

Hi Mrs A, I managed to join in - yay!!! What lovely memories of your Mum, I enjoyed reading your post xx

Unknown said...

What a lovely challenge, and a beautiful way to remember your mum. I lost my Mum when I was young so I know how precious memories are. I bet she is smiling down on you from heaven and humming your special song.

Karen P said...

Only just in time again so huge apologies Mrs A! As always a fab challenge and wonderful inspirations Karen x

Cathy said...

Gorgeous project Mrs A., I'm just scraping in I think! Cathy x

Unknown said...

Hi Mrs A sorry I didn't link up with you challenge, I couldn't get mr Linky to work so had to give up and haven't been on since due to work. Now I see he did work after all. Sorry, I'll enter another of your marvelous challenges soon and maybe do it right next time.
best wishes Maria