Wednesday, November 05, 2014

#18 Butterfly + 3 design papers.

Hello and welcome back to the next challenge.
Please stay and flutter for awhile.
Winners results for #17 are in the post below.
The new challenge for #18 is
Use 3 different design papers with your Butterfly's
 Your Butterflies do not have to be on the design paper itself.
Just make sure they are fluttering around 
 somewhere on your creation.
As usual there will be one winner chosen
and a Top 3 selected.
I have no guest designer today so have been
mega busy creating some inspiration for you.
Vintage style for this one.
Using 2 blue and 1 pink dp.
In fact 4 papers
as I stamped the image direct onto another dp. and then coloured.
I have used a charm as my Butterfly.

I have wanted to make a  pocket design for ages.
This one uses 2 floral prints  and a polka dot paper.
Butterfly is a Topper.

Lastly 3 design papers mounted onto panels
with butterflies  incorporated into the picture
and matted on top along with a another fussy cut  butterfly.
You can find  the full details for all three cards
over on my blog here.

The winner may select 1 item
from the following prizes in the pot.

Butterfly  diamante cabochon

coloured wooden butterfly toppers

Butterfly 3D fly stickers..

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab
and enter your creations in
Mr Linky  below.
Happy crafting.
See you soon.


Unknown said...

Wow stunning designs Mrs A! Hopefully I'll be able to join in this week! :-)
Lucy x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wow Mrs A you've truly excelled yourself hard to pick a fav. but think it's the last one tying with the envelope card.. Simply superb!! love Shaz in Oz.x

Sandra H said...

Gosh Mrs A you have been busy all 3 of your cards are stunning and the papers are gorgeous as are the layouts too! x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

woohoo, numero uno :D
i had to come back cos a card popped into my head so had to make it and join in Mrs A.
Many thanks for great challenge Shaz in OZ.x

Jean said...

Three lovely cards Mrs.A, the papers you used are all so pretty. My favourite has to be the first I love the soft vintage style colours.
Jean x

Veerle said...

Very beautiful cards Mrs A.
Thanks for the lovely challenge, I'm happy to join in. Veerle x

Jackie T said...

Hi Mrs A thank you for the challenge your cards are gorgeous and a real inspiration. If you ever need a guest designer I am ready and willing. I have just entered my card for this challenge. Have a great weekend. Hugs Jackie

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards by the design team.

Karen P said...

Thanks for another fun and fab challenge Mrs A - anything that encourages me to use up the papers is always a good one! And thank you for wonderful inspirations too. I will be back tomorrow! Karen x

Jane Willis said...

Gorgeous cards! I thought of making a crossover card too, but yours was so lovely I didn't think I could match it

mamapez5 said...

I love all your cards, especially the third one, as I like the colours. Thanks for inspiring me to take a look at my patterned papers. I have some lovely ones and just don´t use them often enough. Kate x

scrappymo! said...

Love all your design cards. I will be back to play soon...just a bit hectic at the mo.

We call that little buckets, lunch pails or lunch buckets...should have thought of that when i wrote the post! teehee

Working on two more...they are ivory and ivory handles...was thinking of making them up in kraft, ivory, and browns.

If I get them made and use them for girlfriend Xmas gifts, then I do not have to move

Sandy said...

Beautiful samples.
No prizes for me, please, I just played for fun.

KT Fit Kitty said...

I haven't played here lately - making too many holiday cards with no butterflies! But I'm back! Great challenge and wonderful inspirational samples! Thank you!

ike said...

Well Hellooooo there :-)
I am a newbie here and came over from Di's (Snippets Playground) Blog to join in :-D

IKE xxx

My Challenge Blog
My Shop
My Blog

Di said...

Phew! Made it with not long to spare. I think that Ike and I were linking simultaneously :-)

Have a nice day!


Di xx

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
what very super creations, and wonderful examples for us to try and design.
Phew I have just made it again.
I seem to be getting later all the time.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Hettie said...

Well! I made two cards for this challenge...photographed them...posted them...but the photos are still on my camera! Nearly there!