Wednesday, June 17, 2015

# 33 Butterflies + F is for Flowers.

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.

Winners results for #32  are in the post below

Each challenge will  be a different letter of the Alphabet.
It will always be Butterflies but with the addition
of an item/theme beginning with a chosen letter.
The twist is that my Guest Designers
will choose which letter goes next and I will supply the theme.
They will also be commenting on your entries. 

Please give a warm welcome to my next Guest Designer.

( Winner of #29)

Hi I’m Glenda Marklew and I am delighted to be the guest designer for this challenge.
I live in South Africa in the sunny city of Durban. I am a wife and a mother, to a furry child of the feline persuasion. My day job is that of Educator to a group of nine year old boys. It’s very noisy and extremely energetic and so my craft room is what keeps me sane.
Like so many of you I started crafting early. I made my first wearable skirt when I was 11 and I still sew. I also knit and am learning to crochet although I have a long way to go there. Both of my Grandmothers embroidered beautifully and that is where my love for embroidery was started.
I began making cards about 20 years ago now but was introduced to this particular method called “Prick and Stitch” about 8 years ago now. It’s a combination of cards making and embroidery. My two loves. I was hooked !
So that’s my story and now it’s your turn.
I can’t wait to see how you all interpret this month’s challenge.
Happy card making.

Glenda has chosen the following letter for you.

#33 Butterfly/ies + F is for flowers.

You may interpret this theme in any way you like
just so long as there are flowers on your 
project  with your Butterfly/s.
Here is Glenda's project for you.

A lovely embroidered flower.
with beautiful detailing.
You can find more information on Glenda's blog. 

Thank you Glenda for being my Guest Designer
for #33.

Please take your Guest Designer badge
from the side bar.

Here is my  Inspiration card.

You can find full details on my blog.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

Hessian goody bag
containing either

(A)   Pink selection 

(b)  Purple selection 


$10 gift certificate from
Raspberry Road Designs

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in 
Mr Linky below.
Happy crafting .
See you soon.


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Such pretty inspiration :)

Barbara Ann said...

Just left my first Challenge entry.

Theresa's Studio said...

Another great challenge. Thanks.

Liz said...

Two beautiful cards for inspiration! Congratulations to Glendale on her Guest Designer spot. xx

Liz said...

Oops! Sorry Glenda! Predictive text in the comment above!! LOL xx

andree said...

two beautiful inspiration cards Mrs A. Thank you for another fab challenge xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Gorgeous inspiration cards by Glenda and Mrs. A! Congrats to Glenda on her guest spot! This is a wonderful theme - hope to be back to play along!

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
congrats to Glenda on her GD spot, and what a wonderful creation she has made.
Such a very beautiful flower.
Your creation is also very lovely, and a fab inspiration to me.
Hope all are keeping well that enter the challenge, and good luck all.
Thank you for such a wonderful challenge, and all your very hard work involved.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards by Glenda and you, Mrs. A.

My Paper Cat said...

Thank you all for your kind words, I had great fun making it. Glenda

Janis said...

Oh, my....such beautiful cards by the Guest Designer and the hostess. I adore that sweet embroidered flower and the card design. The shoe card is beyond exquisite!! Thank you for this lovely challenge theme!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Karen said...

Absolutely beautiful cards! They just make the heart flutter. :o) Thank you for the inspiration and lovely challenge!

Hugs and blessings,

Karen P said...

A fun and fabulous challenge and wonderful inspirations too! Thank you Mrs A xx

Jackie T said...

Hi your inspiration cards are gorgeous. I do so love butterflies on cards. Have a great week. Hugs Jackie

Amanda said...

lovely challenge blog, and great makes. Just left my first ever entry xx Amanda

Darnell said...

I love your card and Glenda's card! So pretty! Thank you for another fun challenge, Mrs. A! I'm just playing for fun. Good luck with getting your new system. It will be wonderful to have it!! Hugs, Darnell

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
I'm back with another entry to this fab challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Di said...

Super cards Mrs A! And a fun theme too.


Di xx

Jane Willis said...

I've actually managed to join in twice this time - and with two very different cards. Such a lovely theme!

Lindsey said...

Great challenge - butterflies & flowers are the perfect combination! X

Lynn said...

I am glad I can join in the challenge this time around. The embroidered card is delightful, and I think your shoe stamp is a great fashion statement. Lynn x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Such beautiful paper embroidery! Great inspiration by all.

Karen said...

I am fluttering by once again not only to link up, but also to thank you for your beautiful comment on my sympathy card last week. It meant a lot to me and I appreciate it. :o) I hope your day is filled with love and sunshine.

Hugs and blessings,

mamapez5 said...

I think people liked F for Flowers Mrs A! There are a lot of entries this time. Needless to say I have left it til nearly the end to get mine made, but at le3ast i managed it before I disappear off on my holidays. i love all the entries and the inspiration. What a lovey set of cards! Kate x

Fikreta said...

great DT creations

KandA said...

Fabulous inspiration from you both and a super theme (you had me stumped with the last couple) xx

Bonnie said...

Finally did something that fits the butterfly challenge! Yeah! No thanks to the prizes. Just stopping by for fun.