Wednesday, February 08, 2017

#72 Butterflies +P is for Paper Piercing and/or the colour Fern.

Welcome back to my Butterfly Challenge.  Winners results for #71 are in the post below. Please make sure you check back as it could be you.  Unclaimed prizes go back into the pot and there have been a few! Thankyou all so much for continuing to play along.
Well gosh the challenge is now 3yrs old. Where did the time go to. If anyone finds it please let me know!!
I'm very pleased to announce the new set of themes and colours for the coming year.  I have thrown the letters up in the air this time round and the new mix will be that the themes and colours will not be the same letter for each challenge.  I have also sorted out some new prizes too.

I'm delighted to introduce you to my first  Guest Designer for the coming year

Karen P.
(winner of #66)

who is going to start the proceedings off with 

the letter P for Paper Piercing which has been teamed with F for the colour Fern.

You can use the piercing technique anywhere on your card or butterfly.

You may choose to use just the letter/theme + butterfly or use the colour +butterfly.
If you make your project using both the letter and the colour +butterfly you will be eligible for going into a second draw to win an additional prize.

Here is Karen's card for you.

Karen has used paper piercing to accentuate the corners of her design paper and the colour 
Fern on her butterfly.

Please  go  over to Karen's blog  where you are sure to be in for a treat.  

Thankyou Karen for being my guest Designer for #72.

Please take the  Guest Designer badge from the side bar.

Here is my inspiration for you.
On the card above I have Paper pierced around the shaped of each butterfly and pierced the edge of the frame to thread the embroidery cotton though to create the lattice work

On this card I have paper pierced around the edge of the darker peach card and also around the edge of the pale peach framework.
Please go to my  Blog Here   for a full explanation of how the cards were made.

The Winner may choose one item from the following prizes.

A Darice  Embossing Folder 'Quarterfoil' + Butterfly stamp by LC Designs
 with extra  goodies to complete a card or two.

To go with the above you may choose 

Selection  (A)

Selection (B) 

The additional prize available if
using both Paper Piercing  and the colour Fern  along  with your Butterfly

Tonic Studios
Butterfly Sprig die cut. 

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in Mr Linky below.
Please also state if you are only playing for fun.
Happy crafting and see you soon.


Preeti D. (aka Dutt Preety) said...

Interesting theme!! I have not tried paper piercing before, would be great to give it a go. Love the cards made :) That thread lattice design is stunning! Yes please for the prizes, will hopefully try to get an entry in this week

scrappymo! said...

Beautiful card from your designer. already left you a comment over your two cards over on your personal blog! Your cards look wonderful

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh superb cards on show here and another great year of challenges beginning, oh dear, you would've laughed at me, I was reading away at your post, am disappointed my head was thinking I don't get this I don't see any paper piecing....
..... THEN the penny dropped, it was paper piercing der!!! and oh I love it very much. It looks so fab. I need to try it.

I love the colour Ferny green so willlove to pop over, time permitting. 😄
Thanks for popping over and saying hi and most of all for being the very first person to join my candy.

Yes, I started on 01.11.10... a palindrome 😉 I too find it so hard to believe.
Hope you're both feeling okay over there.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Congrats for your 3 years of challenges! Wow!
Welcome to the new set of theme and colour and to the GD Karen, she did a sweet lovely card!
Your inspiration looks amazing with this vintage look and all the piercing!
Hope to have time to play, my life in this period is so busy and full of work to do :(

Janis said...

Mixing the letters is going to be confusing to me!! lol..... But I will persevere. Ha!

Love the wonderful cards by you and your guest designer. Your lacing is just stunning!! Karen's bold and splashy card is beautiful. Love those flowers!! Like Shaz, I was looking for old morning eyes having missed that it is PIERCING!! Thank you for the lovely challenge!! I am playing just for fun this time.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

aussie aNNie said...

Love this theme and I just MIGHT have the time to play as I love paper piecing..xx

Barb said...

Great Inspiration from both you and Karen Mrs. A. Thank you for another fun challenge. Barbxx

Karen P said...

Hi Mrs A, I just had to come on over and support you and the challenge. Thank you so much for asking me to be a GDT it is a great honour to me so thank you xx

Lindsey said...

Love the new look blog! Apologies if it changed a while ago - I haven't fluttered by in a while xxx

Tina Z. said...

your inspirations are so lovely ... I always love your challenges.

mamapez5 said...

Another lovely challenge to get us thinking. Now I have sorted my paper-piecing from my paper-piercing, I have had a go. You always come up with a new approach to the challenge, and together with the guest designer, give us some lovely inspiration. Kate x

KT Fit Kitty said...

Wow, Karen P's card is gorgeous! And I've just seen your lovelies over on your blog! I think I might be able to tackle this challenge! Thank you for the inspiration!

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Great challenge and thought I would up date that my entry does have paper piercing on the flower :) x

Sandy said...

It's been a long time since I've had a chance to play in this challenge, and I was happy to find a few minutes to work on a card.

Tracy said...

Fun challenge to take part in! Thank you so much:)

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A and Karen,
what very wonderful cards for such great inspiration.
They are all so very super and beautifully created.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Karenladd said...

Congrats on your third years of challenges! I always mean to enter the challenge, but the time seems to slip away from me. This time, however, I took your challenge in more than one way as I made myself use some adhesive backed fabric that is so old it's nearly prehistoric! The color was green, which took care of the Fern part, and I used a pierced mat on my card, which took care of the I am especially inspired. The card samples are beautiful, as always, and I look forward to seeing everyone's crafty creations.

KT Fit Kitty said...

I made it, I made it! I was so afraid I'd miss your challenge due to being sick but I'm feeling a bit better today! Thank you for inspiring me to create with my butterflies! Your and Karen's cards are beautiful! This is a fun theme although I find paper-piercing a bit tedius. I only did a tiny bit in the corner :-) Hope to be more of a regular here!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Thank you for your sweet comments on my cards, Mrs. A! I think I dislike my shaker card because so many things went wrong and also it reminds me of getting sick! Maybe I will warm up to it in time, but right now I can't stand it! I did fix most of the booboos so at least it's not as bad as it was! Thank you for liking it - I wasn't sure I would even share it here - it almost went in the bin - a few times!

Lynn said...

wonderful sample cards ladies - particularly like your lacing Mrs. A. I've just made the challenge! Lynn x