Wednesday, January 31, 2018

#94 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the letter C.

The Butterfly Blog has now been going 4yrs and we are about to enter into the 5th yr of challenges.
I have been in a total quandary as to whether to keep this challenge going as numbers had been declining over the last few months but I'm pleased to see that the past 2 challenges have begun to pick up again.
To help instill more interest I have now made the challenge with more choices so come on in and play

Lets Spin the Butterfly Wheel.

Each challenge will still be a letter of the Alphabet but there will  now be a choice of 3 Colours and 3 Themes all beginning with the chosen letter.
You must use your butterfly/ies  on your creation, 
then you can either choose a Theme or a Colour from the wheel  to enter for the 1st Prize.
If you use a Butterfly + a Theme + a Colour from the wheel then 
you  also will be entered into the 2nd Prize. 
Please state in your post which part of the wheel you are using to play with.

The Challenge will still be Fortnightly but no Guest Designers at present
to make running the challenge easier for me. 

So lets get started.
The wheel for this challenge is

#94 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the letter C. 

Here is my inspiration for you.

First card. Using Butterrfly/Cornflower Blue/ Corners.

Second Card. Using Butterflies/Checks/Crimson.

Please go to my blog here for further details on how they were made.

I wonder if anyone can use all seven elements of the wheel for their card.

1st Prize.
(for using either a theme or a colour with your butterfly/ies)

Dixi craft Flower/Butterfly Embossing Folder + Woodware clear stamp.

2nd Prize.
 (for using both a theme and a colour + your butterfly/ies)

Cottage Cutz Butterfly die.

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in Mr Linky below.
Please also state if you are only playing for fun.
Happy crafting and see you soon.


Lia said...

You are showing beautiful cards and the new theme and colour are so inviting again!
Lia xx

New Creations said...

Sound more interesting with more fun!
Both of your cards are so beautiful!

ionabunny said...

Ooops, missed the last challenge. 6 out of 10, must try harder. Love this new twist. It offers a bit more choice but makes a lovely challenge. Will see what I can do with your pretty wheel. Hugz

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh please dont stop your Challenge Mrs A....I had not been able to participate in the past few months but I do drop in and see all the lovely inspirations you and your guests post.Yours is a fun and unique Challenge and though the numbers may not be like in the big challenges yours is a wonderful one!!! And the new twist sure is interesting. I will try and participate and give a shout out on my blog too so that more people can discover you!!!
Dr Sonia

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Such a creative way to present your challenges! Love the wheel and to have a lot of choice/inspirations with it.
Your cards are so different but both just delicious!

Preeti D. (aka Dutt Preety) said...

Beautiful cards :) thanks for hosting a wonderful challenge.

Sandy said...

Your new format sounds like a lot of fun and it wll definitely keep us on our toes.
Your samples are lovely.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hello there! I have missed your challenge for many months but I am back to blogging now and hope to join you soon! I have sadly been neglecting my butterfly stamps and dies (again). Your new challenge looks so fun! There are a lot of choices so there's no excuse not to play! Congrats on going into your 5th year! I am so glad you kept the challenge going! You have made it fresh and fun with your changes - I like it! And I really like your Butterfly Wheel - you've made it easy to understand! Hope to see you soon! Thank you for the beautiful inspiration!

Barb said...

Great inspirational cards Mrs.A. Congratulations on entering your fifth year and I'm so glad you decided to keep the Butterfly Challenge going. I did have to think about this but at my age thinking is good!!! I'm glad to be back and joining in again. Hugs, Barbxx

Craftychris said...

Ooh great new challenge and I love the cards you have made for inspiration! Hugs xxxxxxx

Kath said...

Firstly, congratulations on entering the 5th year of the Butterfly Challenge! I'm one of those who have been missing for a while, but will hopefully bring out the butterflies soon! Love the new twist for the challenge.
Kath x

AlisonC said...

Brilliant ideas as ever. My problem is there are so many challenges and I want to join in most of them but I'd have to give up work and never sleep. I wouldn't mind giving up work but I'd miss the sleep. I'd love to spin the wheel with these lovely themes so I'll hopefully see you in a few days. Your cream and blue card is charming. x

Di said...

I love the changes! To be honest, having the wheel makes it clearer - a picture speaks a thousand words and all that malarky! Will be back to play if at all possible my friend!


Di xx

Amanda said...

great twist to the challenge components, not been around much due to other stuff happening but hoping to get going again. Love your sample cards, such pretty colours xx Amanda

Janis said...

Congratulations on completing 4 years and entering number 5!! Wow. That's a lot of beautiful butterflies fluttering around your garden. :) I like the new changes you made. Lots more options to inspire us.

Gorgeous cards, Mrs. A!! I love the elegant corner treatments on the cornflower one and the perky checks on the crimson one. Both are just wonderful.

Thank you for another lovely challenge and for making this such a fun place for us to express our creativity!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

brenda said...

I can totally identify with all you say Valery, I think it's rather sad that so many seem to be jumping the blogger ship for Social Media sites (non of which I 'do').

My apologies that I've MIA for so long, but slowly creeping back into blogland and will 'do better' in the future.

B x

Emily Shroom said...

A lovely pair of cards for inspiration Valery and a super fun wheel to play with, used as many elements as I could on my card!

Chris Dring said...

Admittedly, I only discovered your challenge last year, but big congrats to your 5th year! The DT inspiration is fabulous!

Jackie T said...

Hi Mrs A your cards are stunning. I love the new way of setting the challenges. I am here just for fun. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Mukta Parvatikar-Maniar said...

HEllo Mrs A
please do not stop your challenges....they are super fun to play. I try to play along whenever I can but sometimes life does catch up and I miss out. Congrats on your 5th year,,, great going.
VREnchanted Color, Craft and more...

Di said...

And here I am again - all ready to play! I did stretch 'cornflower' blue a tad but I do know they come in different shades :)


Di xx

Jane said...

I confess Mrs A I tend to be a season's my butterflies will be flying out of my studio soon but not quite yet and I look forward to taking part again. Your is a lovely challenge and I am delighted you are still going to run it. Your card is so pretty and the new spinning the wheel is a great idea xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely cards Mrs A!

Was saddened to read that you might have discontinued this challenge - I promise to try and enter more often in this your 5th year!

brenda said...

I know, I'm a bit like a bus, no show for ages then twice in as many days, but found another to fit the theme and wanted to try and encourage a few more to join in.

B x

Karen P said...

Thanks for the challenge Mrs A! Fab theme and great inspirations Karen x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

A great new take on the challenge Valery.

Sue xx

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
I would be very sad if the Butterfly challenge stopped.
Thank for all your hard work involved with this wonderful challenge.
Your cards are brillantly created as always and so inspiring.
The new theme this year is fab and a brilliant idea.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

WOOOOOOHOOOO!! yes might be tad excited cos I made it.. :D
I love this challenge Mrs A and thank you for faithfully running it even when dont make it over...
and I also think your new format is simply grand .. much more versatile and just what I needed to get this card made...
Hugs Shaz in oz.x

Becca Yahrling said...

I am so happy to be able to play in this challenge! Please don't stop it. I haven't been able to do much crafting at all for months due to personal issues. But I am moving soon and setting up a new craft room and I will be retiring, too! Yay! More crafty time. ALL crafty time (ok, I guess I will clean the house, too, LOL).

Liz said...

Love the changes to the challenge, Mrs A, so pleased you are keeping the challenge going. Great cards for inspiration, as always. xx

KathyA. said...

I just discovered your challenge... and plan to become a regular. So please keep it going! Also, I'd love to win either of the nice gifts. So please count me in!

Becca Yahrling said...

And of course I would love to win a prize!! :-)