Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#95 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the letter P.

Welcome back to the new style/format Butterfly Challenge. Thank you all for responding and playing along  with the last challenge. I would hate to have to close it due to lack of interest.   Winners results for #94 are in the post below. Please make sure you check back as it could be you. There are 3 winners this time.

Come on in.

Lets Spin the Butterfly Wheel.

Each challenge will still be a letter of the Alphabet but there will  now be a choice of 3 Colours and 3 Themes all beginning with the chosen letter.
You must use your butterfly/ies on your creation, 
then you can either choose a Theme or a Colour from the wheel  to enter for the 1st Prize.
If you use a Butterfly + a Theme + a Colour from the wheel then 
you  will also be entered into the 2nd Prize. 
Please state in your post which part of the wheel you are using to play with.

The Challenge will still be Fortnightly but no Guest Designers at present
to make running the challenge easier for me. 

So lets get started.
The wheel for this challenge is

#95 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the letter P. 

Please note there is no R in the word Piecing so I do not want to see any stab wounds on your creations!!

Here is my inspiration for you.

First card. Using Butterfly/Peach/ Pearls.

Second Card. Using Butterflies/Purple/Patterned Papers.

Please go to my blog here for further details on how they were made.

I wonder if anyone can use all seven elements of the wheel for their card.

1st Prize.
(for using either a theme or a colour with your butterfly/ies)

Santoro 'Apples'  Embossing Folder + Little Claire  clear Butterfly stamp.

2nd Prize.
 (for using both a theme and a colour + your butterfly/ies)

Leonie Pujol 'Tangled Tails' Stamp set.

As several of the entries below have used all 7 elements of the wheel
I have now added another prize.

3rd Prize.
(For using all 7 elements of the butterfly wheel. )

Signature Collection Fancy Flourishes die
'Butterfly Lullaby'.

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in Mr Linky below.
Please also state if you are only playing for fun.
Happy crafting and see you soon.


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Mrs A,
Well this must be a record for me , two butterfly cards on your blog in a week, one similar today .. but different butterfly die and colours too.. hope to back as do have list to make.. and whole fortnight to think about it now! conveniently I am very partial to purple and pearls, s is my friend.
A great range on offer again this fortnight ... and great DT work t inspire us too.. THANK YOU!
Bloggy hugs, Shaz in Oz.x.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Lovely themes and colors, I think they are also perfect with coming Spring! :9
So pretty cards, different but both sweet!

Suzanne H said...

I just found your blog a bit ago. What a fun Idea! I hope to join the next one and see what I can come up with. Thanks!

kiwimeskreations said...

My first ever entry - loving this challenge as I use butterflies quite often on my cards. I would like to be considered for the prize(s)

brenda said...

Well your Butterfly wheel certainly inspired me and made me put my thinking cap on and I think I might have nailed all the requirement, I did say think.

B x

Darnell said...

Fun new twist to your challenge, Anne! Sorry it has been so long since I played! I'm playing just for fun! Hugs, Darnell

Claire said...

Hello there Mrs A... I have finally managed to take part in your butterfly challenge and I like the new wheel idea. As its my first time, I'm just playing for fun x

April said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! This was a fun challenge!

Mukta Parvatikar-Maniar said...

Happy to participate this month again...

KathyA. said...

Hope to participate at least once in this challenge as I have a bit of time off right now. And, I'd love to win either of the prizes.

mamapez5 said...

Hi Mrs A. I needed a break but it is nice to be back. Lovely colours in the challenge this time, and plenty to choose from in the other 'P's' as well. So there are lots of beautiful cards to look at. Kate x

Barb said...

Hello Mrs. A. You've made some lovely cards again as our inspiration.

I love the new format of your challenge. I made my card this afternoon and again only managed 6 of the 7 elements this month. No paper piecing I'm afraid but I'm determined to get all 7 before the end of the year.
Thanks for a fun challenge. Barbxx

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
just popped my entry into the challenge this time around.
I have commented on your blog about your wonderful inspirational cards.
Thank you for making me put my thinking cap on again to create this entry have managed to combine a couple of others too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Di said...

Yay, I made it again! Managed four of the themes as well and great choices.

Just playing for fun, busy in here innit 😊


Di xx

AlisonC said...

I'm here! With a week to spare. Brilliant fun challenge. x

Susan Renshaw said...

Managed to join in again!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Yay! I'm finally here! Love your options on the wheel this challenge! Your inspiration cards are beautiful as well! Thanks for inspiring! I'll be back shortly with a second entry!

Karen P said...

Thank you for the challenge and lovely inspirations x

Sandy said...

Oh my, more than 50 entries already.! Wow, using all 7 elements would be quite a challenge for me, but it would be fun to see what people came up with. For my card, I used purple and patterned paper.

Cara said...

Finally managed to get myself organised enough to play along! Love the new look, and your inspiration cards are fantastic x

Jane said...

I love this new format Valery and I really hope to join you before the link expires. Such a fun idea. Enjoy the weekend xxx

Jean said...

I like the new format too, and your pretty inspiration cards. Glad to be joining in again this time.
Jean x

Jane said...

Phew...I made it with a day and a half to spare!! LOL x

Janis said...

Your lovely pink, peach, and purple butterfly "spinner" on the wheel made me long to watercolor for this challenge, but sadly I didn't have time to do that. I managed to use a veneer butterfly on my card, though, that you once sent me in a prize. Many thanks!! <3

Beautiful samples using the wonderful options on the wheel, Mrs. A! These are some of my favorite colors and your cards are always the picture of grace and beauty. Thank you for another inspiring challenge!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

KathyA. said...

Mrs A, I just notice that I had entered the same card twice. (I think I didn't change the URL before selecting.) So can you please delete #35? I can't figure out how to delete it. Thanks! (PS, when I was a teacher, my students often called me Mrs. A. So everytime I see your name it brings so many sweet memories to mind.)