Wednesday, March 14, 2018

#97 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the Letter L.

Welcome back to the new style/format Butterfly Challenge. Thank you all for playing along  with the last challenge.  Numbers were well down this time so hope it was just the colour combination that you didn't like.  Hopefully the new wheel will be more to your liking. I do put a lot of thought into it.  Winners results for #96 are now pulished  in the post below. Make sure you check back as it could be you. One prize remained unclaimed  on the last challenge. Please state if you are only playing for fun so that it gives someone else the chance to win.   There are 3 prizes for this challenge again.

Come on in.

Lets Spin the Butterfly Wheel.

Each challenge will still be a letter of the Alphabet but there will  now be a choice of 3 Colours and 3 Themes all beginning with the chosen letter.
You must use your butterfly/ies on your creation, 
then you can either choose a Theme or a Colour from the wheel  to enter for the 1st Prize.
If you use a Butterfly + a Theme + a Colour from the wheel then 
you  will also be entered into the 2nd Prize. 
Please state in your post which part of the wheel you are using to play with.
New for this Yr.
If you manage to use all 7 elements of the wheel then you will also be entered into a 3rd Prize.

So lets get started.
The wheel for this challenge is

#97 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with the letter L. 

Here is my inspiration for you.

 My First card. Using Butterfly/Lemon / Letters.

n.b. For the lettering you may interperate this as being just the letters, a sentiment or as in my card below an actual letter.

Second Card Using Butterfly/Lavender/Layers.

Please go to my blog here  for how it was made.

Can anyone  use all seven elements of the wheel for their card.

1st Prize.
(for using either One Theme or One Colour with your butterfly/ies)
Please state in your post which part of the wheel you are using to play with.

Fly Stickers
In Lemon.

2nd Prize.
 (for using both a Theme and a Colour + your butterfly/ies )
Please state in your post which part of the wheel you are using to play with.

Darice  Embossing Folder
Trio of 'Border Sentiments'
+ Butterfly die cut.

 3rd Prize.
(For using all 7 elements of the butterfly wheel on your project. )

Memory Box
'Swirl Butterfly'
+ Butterfly stamps.

Please be sure to read all the rules on the tab above
and enter your creations in Mr Linky below.
Please also state if you are only playing for fun.
Happy crafting and see you soon.


Craftychris said...

Two beautiful cards, love the challenge wheel for this time. The image you used on your second card is beautiful and the flowers just gorgeous! Hugs xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

This is a very pretty spinning, love all the possibilities :) Hope to have time to play!
Both your cards are just delightful, and that girl with the birds looks so sweet!!

Cathy said...

Fabulous cards Mrs A. Some pretty sounding combinations for this theme, Cathy x

aussie aNNie said...

Sorry it's been a long time but with DT and commitments, schedules did not permit but today it has.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

Suzanne H said...

I'm loving this Butterfly Wheel challenge. Thanks so much for all the ideas and I love seeing everyone's take on the theme.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Well, I succeeded on entering in this challenge! :)

KandA said...

Been very naughty not joining in for a while but I'm here today and just playing for fun. Love your two fabulous cards especially the lemon one xx

paperpapier said...

A challenging but fun challenge. I am on it with a tag.

mamapez5 said...

It looks as though we enjoyed your colour choices better this week. It is nice to see more entries. I like both of your cards, especially the second one. Kate x

Karen P said...

Beautiful inspirations and thank you for another fun challenge. I'm amazed I made it much earlier for a change Karen x

NanaConnie said...

My first time entering the colors and themes challenge and I managed to use all 6 things on the wheel plus the butterfly. Mine is entry #34.

Greta said...

I actually made a card that works for your challenge, Mrs A--hope you like it! I'm not playing for the prizes. Hugs, Greta

Sandy said...

Gorgeous cards you made, Mrs. A.

New Creations said...

I love your challenges Mrs.A! And This time I succeed to incorporate all the elements on my card!
Beautiful inspirations! Thanks for the fun challenge to flutter by!

Karenladd said...

I keep saying that I'm going to make a card for this challenge but then get sidetracked, so this time I WILL do it! The butterfly wheel got me a bit intimidated but I can see that it's much simpler than I made it out to be. Lovely card samples that are inspiring me to give it a try!

Christi Conley said...

I'm happy to be able to finally join in this challenge - thanks for the fabulous DT inspiration and the theme :)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Phew made it Mrs A wasn't sure!!!! but then made two as its for the Twofer challenge too! okay missed out on one this time ...didn't manage lace, rarely sue it curiously, but managed everything else!
Thanks for running this challenge,
Hugs Shaz.x

Donna said...

Barely made it this month, so glad I did! Beautiful cards and enjoying the new format.