Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Winners #128

There were 25 entries this time and 8 of the entries made the Lattice design. I am so glad you gave it a try.

There were lots of lovely cards to choose from  and here is my Top 3 selection.

Here is my Top 3 selection of standard entries. 

In numerical order  they are

(1)    Elisa

I love the corners and the colours.

(17)    Tina Z.

I love the heart of butterflies.

(19)    Claudia

I love the shape and the hidden pockets.

Here is my Top 3 selection of  Lattice cards. 
In numerical order  they are

(2)    Terrie
I love the trail of butterflies.

(22)    Kathy A
I love the butterfly with the roses.

(23)    Alison C

I love that lace butterfly. (You have also  won a prize below)

Congratulations everyone.
please take a bow and help yourselves to
The Top 3
Badge from the side bar.

1st Prize
For using either one theme or one colour + your butterflies.
The Winner picked from the tea cup is:

(7)  Valerija

2nd Prize  
For using both a theme and a colour + your butterfly.
The Winner picked by Random Org is :

(13) Suze

Top Prize
For using the Lattice card element + butterfly.
The Winner picked from the tea cup is:

(25) April W.

The winner of the Special all 7 prize is

(23)  Alison C.

Valerija, Suze, April and Alison
Please get in touch using the email address in the side bar
to collect your prizes.
(If you find that you already have the prize on offer please let me know so that I can select another item for you from the Butterfly Box.)

Please also take the Winner's Badge from the side bar.
Can I also please ask that you acknowledge your win
In the comments box below so that 
I know to expect an email from you. 

If you experience any problem in emailing me 
I have now added a contact form at the top of the page in the right hand column for you to use instead. 

Hope to see you all back for # 129


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

WOW! Amazing interpretations!! Congrats to all!!

Suze said...

So thrilled to have been picked as a winner. Congrats to the other winners too. I have sent you a message through the contact form as emails never seem to get to you.

AlisonC said...

Woohoo! Thank you. A lovely surprise. I'll try and get round to visit some of the other cards later. Congratulations everyone.

terrie said...

Congrats to all of the was a fun challenge.
Thank you for picking my card as a top three lattice technique.

KathyA. said...

Congrats to the winners. It was fun to see so many people use the Lattice Technique. It really was easy to do and has a great WOW factor!

Valerija said...

Woo hoo! I'm the winner too! Thank you Mrs A. You made my day. I just send you an email.
Congratulations to the other winners and top picks too.
Valerija xx

AlisonC said...

Ps. I've emailed. Let me know if you don't get it. X

April said...

I was so happy to learn that I was a winner! Thanks so much. I have sent you an email. Congrats to the other winners! I loved doing this challenge.

lichazul said...

Congrats all winners , and thanks so much for pickup my card Valery👰👰👰
I loved the Challengers 😊😊😊
Hugs for every one girls 😆 from Chile