Wednesday, April 23, 2014

#6 Glamorous Butterflies.

Hello and welcome to the next challenge.
Please stay and flutter a while.
Winners results are in the post below.
The 6th challenge is
Glamorous Butterflies.
So I would like to see
your Butterfly/ Butterflies Glitter & Sparkle.
The brighter  the better.
Butterflies can be in any form you like .
You are free to decorate
the rest of your project how you wish.
Now to inspire you
Guest Designer Spot.
This time is

Vicki Dutcher
Winner of #2.
I love the rich yellow & gold on this card.
Just see how the Butterfly sparkles.
Please flutter by Vicki's blog for a closer look.
Thank you Vicki.

Here are my projects.

Butterfly card
using a Prima Jewel box Butterfly.

Butterfly picture
made using sequins.

Please pop over here for full details
on how I made these.

The Winner may choose one item from this
selection of prizes from the pot. 

Marianne design Embossing template.

3 A4 sheets of butterfly patterned vellum.

Glitter butterfly stickpin embellishments.

Please be sure to read the rules on the tab
and enter your creations
in Mr Linky below.

Happy Crafting


Margreet said...

Beautiful creations!
xxx Margreet

Di said...

Oh such lovely work! Need to hunt out the sparkle, will be back :-)



Sandra H said...

Stunning cards Mrs A from all and the colour combo Black and Yellow is gorgeous l once had my house those love the sparkly butterflies and layouts too! take care xx

Unknown said...

Once again such stunning inspiration Mrs.A! Such a Lovely card from your GDT! Thanks for Another fun challenge to play along with! Have a wonderful week!

ElizabethR said...

Gorgeous butterflies as always. Am trying to link mine, but it doesn't want to :( Elizabeth xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

oo-er luffly challenge and great DT work again Mrs A and what super prizes well done all around to the winners too Shaz in Oz.x
PS re the tree that the kookaburra is in have emailed my BiL as I thought of several things but not sure it is not a gum tree, as it is in background ..

ElizabethR said...

Ooooo you treasure I know where that is lol, who wanted to tidy up anyway! Thank you Elizabeth xxx

KT Fit Kitty said...

This should be fun! Love your beautiful glamorous butterflies and the GD's as well!

Vicki Dutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki Dutcher said...

Your blinged out blue butterfly is stunning! Thanks for having me as your Guest Designer! :)

Irene said...

Stunning cards Mrs. A and the Design Team,

Lynn said...

The creations are delightful Mrs. A. Congratulations to the top 3, and thanks for my win and prize. Will e-mail soon. Lynn x

Eve said...

Hello Mrs A,
WOW! stunning sample cards. I just hope that mine is 'Sparkly' enough - please delete me if it isn't!

Just playing for fun this week thank you. xx

P.S thanks for leaving me a comment on my new blog - mwah!
I promise not to tell Miss Di that you are hiding punches!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh finally have "done do-ed" Mrs A. joined another of these great challenges!
re tree my BiL thought it maybe a juvenile Quandong tree but too hard to be sure as it is young. re your query as to what tree the kookaburra was in on the rainforest walk?
love Shaz in Oz.x

Hettie said...

Lovely flutterbies there Mrs A. I am currently hanging my head in shame as I did not get around to making one this time round. So Sowwy!

cm said...

Oh my goodness, Mrs. A - I've fallen light years behind in commenting and I totally missed the previous challenge. Naughty me! That doesn't mean I haven't been gazing and admiring, though, because I certainly have! I need to get a little less 'un-busy' (work is a tad crazy, and my role as a bike race official will start soon, which eats up a few weekends...) and get some cards/commenting done!! I'm planning to play in this challenge, and hope you'll forgive for commenting lapses! I'm still here, though, delighting in all you do!! Hugs~c

Darnell said...

Congratulations again to Vicki! Lovely inspiration works of art by both of you! Just playing for fun, Mrs. A! Thank you! Hugs, Darnell

Viv said...

Just done as I am told Mrs A and linked up the teeny sparkly one!

Karen P said...

Congrats to the winners!
Thank you for the inspirations and another fab challenge Karen xx

scrappymo! said...

Finally back from my Mum's. Had to post from my iphone while there and couldn't link.
Your creations are beautiful! Once I am unpacked, I will stop by all the gorgeous glam for a wee visit!

Cathy said...

Gorgeous butterflies Mrs A & Vicki, I'm just playing for fun this week, thank you :) Cathy x

KandA said...

Love your butterfly creations Mrs A, very glamorous. Hope mine's sparkly enough - if not please delete it xx

scrappymo! said...

Just popped back to say that your purchases are non consumables so you would have passed with flying colours!!!

I am wanting to downsize my stash significantly, cuz if we downsize, my stash is not going to fit!

Jenny L said...

Hi Mrs A,
Superb creations.
Love Jenny L.

Di said...

Hallooooo Mrs A, just tried to link me butterfly card and think I botched it up :( Sorry Miss - can you fix please.

Hugs, Di xx

Mary said...

I am back....I've been playing quite a bit this week....lucky me. Today I made three cards and one of them has a sparkly butterfly....I just had to flutter by and share with you. Happy Crafting.

Carol L said...

Your butterfly projects are just stunning Mrs. A! How I love that sparkle on the blue butterfly! Congrats to Vicki for her win and beautiful card!
I'm playing just for fun this time around, so there's no need to add my name to the prize draw! Have a great week!

Jenny Alia said...

I just linked up. What a great idea for a blog and thanks for the fun challenge!

Aquarius said...

My latest follower pointed me in your direction and as I love butterflies I had a go.

Unknown said...

Wonderful challenge. And because of this challenge blog alone, I finally purchased some butterfly dies and are looking for stamps so I can participate more often :)

Unknown said...

I just learned of your challenge and can't wait to play along being the butterfly lover I am. :)
You have a beautiful blog and I've found so much inspiration today, glad I am following you now. Thanks Mrs. A!!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Mrs A, I think it's just possible that I'm going to be your last entry for this challenge. And with a card that is all a flutter with butterflies too :) Elizabeth xx